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Growing Pains Page 17
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Page 17
Seth’s stomach became sore, and at this moment he could throw up. “What is it?”
“It’s us.”
“What about us?”
“Everything, Seth, everything. I got off the phone with my father not too long ago, and I told him everything about us.”
Seth tried to comprehend what Molly was telling him. “Why would you do that? It’s none of his business!”
Molly became insulted. “I’m his daughter, okay? It is his business to know what his daughter does. I just called him to ask if I was doing the right thing.”
Seth still wasn’t fully awake and became confused. “What do you mean?”
It sounded like Molly was crying. “I like you, Seth. A lot, actually. I don’t love Thomas, at least not anymore. So I was getting my father’s advice.”
“What did he say?”
“I think we should stop seeing each other, at least sexually, for a while anyway. I mean, I’m still in the film and all. But I think we should limit our time together. We should only see each other while we film. And if you don’t like this, and insist on continuing our affair, or if you even make a pass at me, I’ll leave the film. I’m not kidding. I mean, my father was pissed.”
Seth got really quiet and overpoweringly emotional. He panted. The harder he tried sucking back his tears, the quicker they ran down his face. It was hard to breathe.
Molly knew something was happening, but she didn’t know what and didn’t like the sound of it. “Seth, everything okay? Do you understand everything I told you? We can still be friends. It’s just my father doesn’t want us ‘bed-buddies’ as long as I’m still in my relationship with Thomas.”
“Understood,” Seth said emotionally. “I’ve got to go. I don’t feel well.” He abruptly hung up. He threw his cell phone to the end of his bed and quickly buried his head in a pillow, screaming at the top of his lungs. Somehow he’d known this situation would come back to bite him in the ass.
This was probably the reason his number one rule was to never take another man’s woman. He didn’t know how he was going to handle this situation. Molly was everything to Seth, and she didn’t even know it. Seth’s world was crumbling, and for the first time in months he felt abandoned and alone. He felt as though he was fighting a losing battle.
But all hope wasn’t lost. Seth figured if he could come up with a way to end Molly’s relationship with Thomas, he would be home free. But to achieve this, it would require showing Molly he loved her more than Thomas did. And to show her this would require distracting her from spending too much time with Thomas, and spending more time with Seth. But how could Seth pull off the ultimate switcheroo?
He thought long and hard. He didn’t want to lie to Molly again. He was already in too deep with the lie about this nonexistent film festival. After coming up empty, Seth figured the only way he was going to get the proper reaction and emotions he was seeking from Molly was to lie.
Seth would fake heart problems to get the proper sympathetic reaction from her. She was a caretaker and enjoyed looking after the people she loved. Seth knew if he played his cards right and kept a poker face, his plan would be flawless.
He would start by texting Molly disguised as a paramedic, just to let her know of the situation. Then he would text her again, this time as a friend telling her how much Seth enjoyed spending time with her over the past few months, how much she means to him and how much he likes her.
Seth hated himself so much at this moment. Lying was something he never did before meeting Molly, so why now all of a sudden? This would be the second major lie he’d told her in the past three months he’d known her, but why? Just because he was lonely and in desperate need of love and companionship? Even so, that was no reason to lie to someone you love and care about deeply.
Seth sighed with disappointment and disgust for himself and realized just how right people were when they talked about the snowball effect of lies, and how hard it was to stop once in motion.
How good a relationship could it be anyway if Seth continued to lie to Molly? Which he inevitably would always have to do now because of the lie about his heart, so he decided to proceed with extreme caution.
He took several deep breaths and slowly reached for his cell phone. He clicked on Molly’s name and the messages loaded. He froze in fear, not knowing how or where to begin. He took several more deep breaths and slowly began to type.
After a few moments the message was sent. Is this Molly Featherlite?
Seth awaited nervously.
Hahaha, very funny, Seth.
Now what? Seth didn’t know what to write, and he didn’t have a plan. He had to get in the mind-set of a paramedic in the same situation.
No, ma’am, this isn’t Seth. My name is Mr. Fisher. I’m a paramedic, and I’m contacting you on behalf of Seth Zimmer.
There was a momentary pause between texts. At this point Seth thought he had blown it. He didn’t know if Molly was going to fall for it. It wouldn’t surprise Seth at all if she didn’t, as Molly was a very smart woman.
Oh my God! Is Seth all right? What’s happened?
It worked. Seth couldn’t believe it, and now he really started feeling horrible seeing this beautiful and intelligent woman being manipulated.
He’s in and out of consciousness at the moment, otherwise he would’ve contacted you himself. Seth just wanted me to let you know of the situation. All we know is that he has very high blood pressure, a racing heart and fainting spells.
With every word Seth typed in the text message, the more he hated himself.
Oh jeez. L Tell Seth I feel horrible about earlier and that I’m thinking of him, okay?
Just knowing Molly felt horrible about their earlier conversation almost made this elaborate scheme worth it.
Will do, ma’am.
Do you know if Seth is going to be okay?
Seth could tell Molly was concerned, but just how much would be revealed in time, when he texted her again disguised as a friend.
Not at this time. It’s hard to say. We’re talking about the heart, and the heart is such an iffy muscle.
True. Okay, thank you for letting me know. And please, please let Seth know I miss him and am thinking of him.
The conversation ended. All Seth had to do now was think of a way to segue into the next conversation, which should pretty much be easy. All he had to do was talk like himself, just using a different name.
The good thing about the next conversation was he could ask probing questions that he was normally too shy to ask on his own, which was a bonus. But how long? How long should one wait until beginning the next conversation? If he started too soon, Molly might suspect something was up. If he started too late, Molly might think something was seriously wrong and might try calling the house.
Seth thought an hour and a half sounded like a reasonable amount of time. He lay on his bed, Genesis playing softly in the background, as he thought of ways to start the next conversation.
Finally his alarm went off. He grabbed his cell and loaded his messages. Again, he took in deep breaths and was overcome with an extreme nervousness.
Hey, Molly? My name is Aaron Zachery. I’m a friend of Seth’s. I just thought I’d give you an update on him.
Seth braced himself as he sent the message, and within mere minutes Molly replied. Oh God, how is he?
He’s fatigued. It was a bit iffy for a while. But he seems to be level at the moment.
Seth absolutely hated all this lying. What would Molly think of him if she found out the truth? She would probably slap his face and totally disown him. Which she had the right to do, and he would deserve it.
What’s wrong with him, has anyone said?
Seth was stumped, he didn’t know what to say, because he didn’t plan that far ahead. He had to come up with something, anything, a
nd fast.
I’m not quite sure, but I do remember hearing something about plaque.
Plaque, really? That’s the best I could come up with? That’s pathetic, Seth thought.
Plaque? Oh my God! That’s really not good. That’s quite serious.
There was another brief pause in the conversation as Seth thought of something to say, but Molly cut him to the quick. Seth thought there was no time like the present to begin his probing.
Please forgive me if I’m out of line, but, you really like Seth, eh?
Molly took a couple of moments before replying.
Honestly? I, I do. I really do. I really don’t know what I would do if I lost Seth now. I know I haven’t known him long, but we have a connection that’s so powerful. I’m really falling for him.
Now Seth could shine and let the true writer erupt from within. Let the magic begin!
As caring friends we always have each other’s back. Looking out for one another, and making sure no one gets hurt. This includes the women in our lives as well.
That’s a sign of good, great friendship. That’s understandable.
Seth went for broke: So that’s why I have to know one thing. And forgive me if I’m getting too personal. Do you LOVE him?
That was the million dollar question. Seth started to sweat, he became really nervous, more so than usual. Molly’s response had everything to do with how he pursued this.
Seth didn’t receive a text message in a while, and what did that mean? Had he gone too far? Did he scare her off?
Then he received a message. He didn’t even want to read it because it might be something he didn’t want to see. But on the other hand, it might be exactly what he wanted to see.
He inhaled deeply and held his breath as he read the message.
I’m going to confide in you something not even my closest friend knows. And it’s easier for me to confide in a stranger than with my closest friend.
Seth exhaled as he replied to Molly. Sure. Like they say, sometimes it helps to talk to a total stranger.
At this point Seth was ready to vomit. He felt so bad, so horrible over the person he’d become. A loving, beautiful and intelligent woman like Molly didn’t deserve someone like him. Seth thought about abandoning this whole thing, but if he did that, he wouldn’t know how this would turn out.
Seth’s phone vibrated, and Molly’s answer was now at his fingertips.
Yes I do. I really love Seth Zimmer. He’s caring and sweet, loving and kind. Seth is like a big teddy bear you just want to hug continually. Seth can make a cloudy day sunny. I know this may sound strange coming from someone he’s only known for three months, but let me tell you, my love for Seth is 100 percent legitimate and pure.
Seth let out a huge sigh of relief. He was absolutely thrilled, but then he decided to take things just a little bit further.
You know, from day one, all Seth did was talk about you. He absolutely adores you. He talks about how beautiful and inspiring you are.
Aww, he really said that?
When he talks about you, or even when your name is mentioned, his eyes light up.
That’s really sweet. I’m flattered.
I have to thank you for raising his spirits. Every day for the past 4 or 5 years, Seth has been down in the dumps. He was hurt really bad by his first girlfriend.
Yes I heard that tragic story when we were talking about our exes. That was horrible! I was upset knowing anyone could actually hurt someone as sweet and kind as Seth.
Seth thought if he was going to pursue Molly, he wanted to make sure just how serious she was about him.
Are you serious about Seth? I mean you said yourself you love him. So does this mean you’ll be willing to leave your current boyfriend?
Seth waited and waited for a response. She didn’t reply in her usual time frame. Again, he started thinking maybe he went too far.
Finally, after about five minutes Molly’s reply was sent. I believe I would, yes, absolutely. To land a man like Seth is like finding a golden ticket in a Wonka bar. But that’s something Seth and I are going to have to discuss in private. To leave Thomas right now, today, I wouldn’t.
Understandable. I better get back to Seth, see how he is. It was really nice talking to you. J
Please tell Seth I miss him and look forward to seeing him again. Also tell him if he needs anything, anything at all, day or night, I’m a text or a call away.
Seth became overwhelmed by sadness. Will do, Molly, thanks.
Seth placed his phone on the charger and fell onto his bed. He began to cry for the person he’d become. He’d been in this body for 23 years, so he really thought he knew himself well.
This entity that had possessed him really scared Seth to his core. It was like someone else was living in his body—at this moment, he didn’t recognize himself. Seth had become the type of person he hated the most.
December 23, 2013, was the date Seth told everyone in his film he’d be returning home from the hospital. He figured two days was enough time to lie about. Any more time than that would require a bigger lie and a more serious heart ailment—probably one that required surgery, and Seth was not going to cross that line.
Around three-thirty that afternoon there was a knock at the door, and Seth answered. To his happy surprise and delight, it was Molly.
“Welcome home, Seth! How are you feeling?” Molly reached out and gave Seth a warm, comforting hug. “I have something for you.”
She took Seth’s hand and led him up the steps to his bedroom. She excitedly leaped onto the bed and opened her purse. Seth joined her. Molly reached in and pulled out a homemade cardboard hat. It had Seth’s name boldly handwritten on it in green highlighter and outlined in blue highlighter.
It had blue highlighter squiggles on it and black fine-tip marker hearts and a thin gold stretchy ribbon chin strap. It was the nicest, sweetest thing anybody had ever done for him in years, Seth became somewhat choked up.
“Oh, thank you, Molly! It’s lovely.”
Molly took the hat from Seth, gently pulled down on the chinstrap and placed it on his head. “There, perfect fit, I’d say.” She stared at him, almost studying him.
“What is it?”
“It’s nothing.” Molly flashed a smile and continued to stare deep into his eyes.
“You have the most handsome, deep, rich chocolate-brown eyes I’ve ever seen.” Molly swallowed hard. “Listen, I’d like to apologize for all the texts and that horrible phone call I made to you. I feel awful about it.”
“Molly,” Seth said, but Molly politely stopped him by placing her index finger to his lips.
“No, Seth, please. I’ve been rehearsing this speech all day.”
“Okay, I’m sorry.”
“I haven’t felt this way about another man in about eight years. When I’m around you, I’m happier and more energetic. You make me feel like, well, me. And that’s what scares me.”
“It scares you to be you?”
“No, what scares me is how happy I am around you. Seth, I am going to tell you something about me that nobody outside my family knows.”
Seth didn’t know what to expect. He was thrilled Molly could confide something in him that nobody else knew, but now his curiosity was piqued.
“In 2002, when I was 16, I started dating this gorgeous boy from high school named Andrew Campbell. He had beautiful, long, flowing red hair and a body like a Calvin Klein model.” Molly took a moment.
“I digress. We were hot and heavy. We actually started planning our future together and planned to get married. I was never happier. Then, after high school, something happened, I can’t explain it. I started getting sick, sometimes violently, and then I became anorexic. I started having visions of death and destruction, murder and suicide. I was hospitalized for a month and a half. Seth, something demonic
took over my body. I was the little girl from The Exorcist, no kidding. According to the doctors, I was legitimately dying.
“When I was first hospitalized, Andrew came to visit me. He sat beside the bed and took my hand in his and told me, ‘Our love is strong—we’ll beat this together, no matter how long it takes. I’ll be waiting.’ Then one day …” Molly became teary-eyed and choked up. She took another deep breath.
“Then one day he came to visit again. This time he sat across the room and stared at me for a while without saying anything. After about 10 minutes he got up and walked over to the bed. He looked down and told me, ‘It’s over between us.’ He stormed out of the room and I never saw him again.
“I was crushed, I was depressed and anorexic, and I would vomit even at the sight of food. I was down to 90 pounds and declining fast. Then one day my mom came to me and reminded me about a dog I used to own that died when I was 10.”
Seth shook his head. “You were pretty much dying and your mom came to remind you of your dead dog?”
Molly chuckled. “She asked me if I remembered how upset I was when he died, but how quickly I got over it. I said yes, but he was only a dog—I said there’s hundreds of other dogs to choose from—and then she said, ‘And Andrew is just a boy—there are hundreds of other boys to choose from.’
“I don’t know if it was my mom’s words or something bigger at play, but after that conversation I started getting better. I started eating and getting my strength back. And a week after that I was home.”
There was a moment of silence.
“I always thought of myself as a good, decent, loving person who only deserved the best from a relationship. But after Andrew left, I downgraded myself. I thought I was never going to find that kind of love ever again, so I stopped looking. I figured that way if and when the relationship ends, I won’t be so hurt and psychologically scarred.”
Seth took a deep breath. “Wow, Molly. That’s heavy.”
Teary-eyed and biting her bottom lip, Molly looked at Seth. “I never thought I could feel again the way Andrew made me feel. I never thought I could care for anyone the way I cared about him, either—that is, until I met you, Seth.”